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Unseen Tears

Crying constantly,
But the eyes are dry.
Not allowed to be seen,
Not allowed to cry.
Alone at night,
Salty tears falling on the pillow,
Red eyes can't see light,
Silent tears only overflow.
Reaccuring dreams,
Haunt in the day.
Unwanted memories seem,
Too close and to real to say.
A heart needed healing.
Many wounds bled.
Deathly thoughts were feeding
A heart and mind almost dead.
Time went on,
The heart starts to heal.
It beats rhythmically and strong.
The love finally seems real.
The scab was picked at carelessly,
But the heart isn't quite healed.
Blood spurts out endlessly,
The hiding wound revealed.
The pain is unbearable,
Hiding in the tears,
Others find it endurable,
Only listening with their ears.
Choking in the pain,
Drowning in the sorrow.
Used to feel like there's nothing to gain.
By living through tomorrow.
Pain trying to seduce me,
The mind is a never ending threat.
The heart just trying to break free.
The tears not wiped yet.
Not supposed to cry.
Nobody wants to see.
They all want the heart to fly,
But no one will wipe the tears for me.
So the tears never end,
But the eyes don't cry.
Silently I'll fall in my hole again,
And in my tears, I'll die.