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There'll be times in your life,

When there is nothing but strife.

But you should just hold onto faith and hope.

And then your body and mind will find a natural way to cope.

Never hold back the tears.

They're what can relieve some of the fears.

Let them fall freely.

They'll clear your agony mentally.

When your heart is in pain,

Please know that your heart cries-so it doesn't help to feign.

It will cry and scream.

Your heart isn't stupid-It knows when something hurts it-is mean.

You can't fake it,

Or hide it.

So just hold onto hope,

Look inside you and you'll find a way to cope.

Trust it coming from somone who knows.

And in the end, your strength, heart and mind grows.

Don't give up on yourself or your dreams.

No matter how painful to hold onto them it seems.

Just hold on and you'll make it through.

And then you will take on life with an entirely different view.

It's only a process of growing.

Wonder through this thing called life unknowing.

-Mandielynn 2/23/99
