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The moon is really bright,

And the stars are shining tonight.

It's beautiful out here,

In the crisp, autumn air.

Your presense is all around me,

Keeping me warm silently.

I can almost feel you whispering,

Your voice sweeter than any bird can sing.

I can almost feel your caress,

Against you, I'm helpless.

I close my eyes,

And raise my head to the skies.

I scream almost in pain,

And look at the stars again.

Your presense is gone,

I was alone all along.

There's nobody here,

Nobody whispering in my ear.

I'm cold and shaking,

My mind was once again faking.

I'm so desperate here without you.

Constantly feeling blue.

That moon suddenly looks cold,

It's brightness much to bold.

The stars suddenly seem to much,

And even my body feels strange to the touch.

I'm lost out here in the dark,

I need your warmth and kind heart.

It's to cold and lonely,

I need you to hold me.

And keep me away from here,

To put an end to my cold and fear.

I just need your arms, your warmth, your love.

You're all that I can ever think of.

I need to hear you whisper in my ear so quietly,

And tell me just how much you love me.


