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I'd like to apologize,

For all that I've said.

For all that I've done.

There's many things that I've said,

That now I really regret.

Many things that I would like to take back.

Things that I know I would never do again.

I'd like to move on with my life,

Away from that horrible day.

But in order for that to happen,

I have to make right,

With what went wrong not to long ago.

What I've done, I can never take back,

But I wish with all my heart that I could.

I cannot go back in time to change it,

But if I could, I would.

To be your friend again would mean a lot to me,

To know that we stand on firm ground

Would be something that I'd like the most.

Thinking about you leaves a lump in my throat,

A sorrow for hurting you so bad.

I wish, hope and pray that you'll forgive me,

So that we can be friends again.

So that the thought of you brings a smile,

Instead of a sorrowful pain in my heart.

I miss you and would love to be in your company again.

I hope you accept my apology,

And you'll be my friend.

-Mandielynn 8.16.99

~For Sharon, I hope you'll forgive me!