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**This poem is not intended to offend anyone. Read at your own risk if you will.**

Don't sin or you'll go to hell.

Otherwise, I wish you well.

Be careful what you say,

God may not like it and take you away.

Remember to pray and ask for his forgiveness,

If you don't, you'll be seen as careless.

Oh, but you can't forget,

All the other religions,

The ones you haven't heard of yet?

They all say you'll go to hell anyway,

For not believing what they do today.

So what's the difference if you believe in this or that?

To worship a man on a cross,

A woman in robes,

Or maybe a doormat.

It shouldn't matter,

And yet everyone thinks so.

But you'll go to hell if you don't believe, you know.

Believe in Jesus, he loves you.

Believe in the Goddess, she knows what's true.

She knows what's in your heart, do you?

You can only believe in one God.

You can believe in more than one, why not?

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost,

The Maiden, The Mother, The Death Crone.

The Son, The Lover, The Sacrafice.

Believe in anything you want.

Believe the sky is falling.

Believe that the sun won't go down.

Believe that if you smile, you won't ever frown.

Believe in gold at the end of the rainbow.

Don't think you'll go to hell if you don't know.

Because you do know what's true.

There's one everybody should believe in.

That person, is you my friend.

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