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Blinded by Love

The rain is coming down.

Spilling on the trees, the cars, the ground.

The street light's light seep through,

But all I can think of is you.

I barely notice any of this,

As when you're not here, you're all I miss.

I'm oblivious to what is going on around me,

My eyes are open, but I cannot see.

In my mind there is picture of you.

Smiling so innocent and true.

Your eyes twinkling from something inside.

Something that still hasn't died.

It's the love you have for me.

It seems to be the only thing I see.

The love we have I can almost hold.

It's somewhat of a given, I don't need to be told.

When I'm with you, I don't need to see.

Having you in my arms is all I need.

When I have your arms around me,

That's all I ever prayed for so silently.

All my senses are taken away,

At least during that one blind day.

But now you're not here,

And I have to see, even if it's a tear.

I push all thoughts of you out of my mind,

And I'm able to see again, and let the agony unwind.

My vision becomes clear

As fast as I push you in fear.

But I can't seem to push you out completely.

I guess that's not really up to me.

I can see clearly now,

Only for the tears to be allowed.

The tears and the rain,

Reflecting my pain.

Again my vision is away,

I see your picture again, the very same way.

I guess this is what they're speaking of,

When they say "Blinded by Love".


