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The sun melts into the sea.

The moon drifts away silently.

Out of sight, away from me.

The stars burn my eye.

The sun's completely gone from the sky.

The sea burns red, as if with dye.

The stars melt into each other.

The darkness melds together.

The two silently caress one another.

The light is too bright to bare.

I only open my eyes as much as I dare.

The stars have become one, I can't help but stare.

The trees sway in the darkness around me.

I see a ball of light floating brilliantly.

It comes and stops in front of me.

I look inside,

A golden butterfly.

It opens it's wings, prepared to fly.

It's wings give off a golden glow.

The ball around it is silvery though.

They glimmer and show.

The shining star in the sky crashes down.

With a boom, it hits the ground.

Breaking the ball holding the butterfly bound.

Suddenly free,

The butterfly trys to flee.

But it's trapped by the sea.

The redness of the sea fills my eyes.

The butterfly flies,

But only up towards the skies.

The darkness has enveloped us completely now,

More light from the sea than the dark should allow.

The velety sky gives into us and shows the butterfly how.

Into the sky the butterfly goes.

The sea, in one big wave, follows.

Only gets to me, but nevertheless, swallows.

Engulfed by the sea,

I try to see,

I try to breathe.

The fire from the sun,

Still here as I try to run.

I know now my life is almost done.

Even though I cannot see,

And I cannot breathe,

Everything comes clear to me.

I can see the butterfly,

Way up above me, in the dark sky.

A light surrounding her as she flies.

Her antannae turns to a halo.

The harsh light turns into a soft glow.

Her wings become white as snow.

I watch as she floats into the darkness,

Letting it envelope her brilliance.

Wrapping her into a black velvet dress.

I watch as her halo shines bright,

And then begins to fall on the right.

Suddenly it fades out of sight.

I see her struggle with the steal wrapped in velvet.

I don't know what to do, I can't help it.

I have to sit back and watch it.

A tear from my eye is breaking free.

I can tell the butterfly is getting weak.

She's going to die quickly.

I can't help her, trapped here.

I have to get out, so far but so near.

She's going to die I fear.

I struggle, watching her do the same.

I see her wings being ripped as quickly as they came.

She screams and cries with shame.

In this red sea,

I try and break free.

But it's useless, it won't let go of me.

Her wings are torn,

Her glow has worn.

She's sad, lost, forlorn.

But the velvet blackness has suddenly her let go.

It's given up, but she has more strength to show.

She floats back to the land, smiling to let me know.

She's smiling, glowing again, she's okay.

Her wings are gone, torn away.

But she's alive, and here to stay.

I watch her, fascinated by her strength inside.

By now, I'm sure she should have died.

But she hasn't, and I know why.

That butterfly, shining in a brilliant glow,

I'm not watching just from below.

I see her, and there's more to know.

I may be trapped by this red sea.

But I can reach her easily.

For that butterfly is me.

