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Be Careful Where You Sleep

Terror in the heart
Screams in the head
You never know what you'll find,
Lying next to you in bed.
A dream gone sour
Makes you wish your eyes would open
But this nightmare is real,
Your heart shattered, your body broken.
The screams silenced from your mouth,
Vibrate through your mind
You didn't let them be heard the first time,
And now you must live with what you find.

The daylight shines through,
But brings you no solace.
Your dream torn apart,
Now this is all there is.
You can't stand the sight of yourself in the mirror,
The rage within you creates spider webs that splinter you,
Your knuckle trickling with blood you don't feel,
Blood traces the spider webs, coloring you.
The tears in you eyes make it a red blur,
Your heart hurts so much, your bloody hand clutches you.
Blood seeps down your bare stomach,
And onto what burns you.

So this is what you find when you awake,
Blood dripping off your most sacred part,
Red spider webs trapping you in,
The center being right over your heart.
Be careful where you sleep
Make sure you're all that’s in your bed.
Fall asleep as best you can,
But don't expect the screams to stop in your head.