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Cloud of Souls

They fall from their twin perches atop the world,
Creating a single cloud of souls lost
No one seems able to move,
They make it so heavy with their sadness.
It’s too thick with too many souls,
The rain can’t even wash it away
The tears seem to only add to it,
And the wisps of smoke
From candles full of hope
Seem to carry messages
That otherwise go unspoken.
Messages of hope and fears.
Messages to find strength,
Beneath the heavy cloud.
But the cloud of souls seems to be deaf
Messages have only been answered with silence.
The candles begin to burn themselves out,
The last of their smoke
Sends the last of their messages out,
As hope slowly dies
And the cloud of souls lifts toward the skies.
But all there is to find in its place
Is broken down rubble and settled dust
And ashes mixed with ashes
Of the bodies the souls once possessed.

In Memory of all those who died and survived the fall of the Twin Towers, 9.11.01. You are much loved, even by those who have never met you.
-Mandielynn 9/18/01