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I can't risk it.
I can't loose it.
A diamond,
Or a promising coal?
I worked so hard for the diamond.
I cried so many tears
To see the rainbow cascading on the walls.
I fell apart so many times,
Just to feel the weight of the diamond in my hand.
I struggled through so much pain,
Just to discover the diamond in all it's brillance.
But the coal is bigger than the one I started with.
It wouldn't take long for it to turn to a diamond itself.
But there's no garentee that it would.
There's no saying that it will forever be just a coal.
Never turning into the brilliant diamond I'd have to give up for it.
It'd be a chance I'm not sure I can afford to make.
It's a chance I'm not sure I can afford to not make.
There isn't change without taking a chance.
But why give up such a beautiful diamond
For something that may never come to anything.
Why put all the tears to waste,
Take all the hard work, just to throw it away.
But the coal could amount to so much.
It could come to be such a beautiful diamond itself.
All it needs is time.
All it needs is love.
All I have to do is dig some more.
All I have to do is give it a chance.
But what of the diamond?
Do I just throw it in the dirt behind me?
And not look back to see where it lands?
Or do I keep it forever in my breast pocket,
Keep it warm near my heart.
Keep it clean in my soft pocket.
Keep it from breaking against my soft chest.
Take it out when I loose hope.
Take it out when I need a rainbow after a storm.
Do I keep it locked away in my pocket
While I ferverently work away at turning the coal into a diamond?
Temptation is eating away at my security.
Curiosity killing my determination.
Possibilities tearing at my insides.
Torn between two.
Can only have one.
A decision I don't think I can make.
-Mandielynn 11.3.99