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Do You Sense It?

Can you taste it on my lips?
The sin, the guilt.
Can you feel the dirt on my body
Where the hands of another has touched.
Can you smell the intensity
That still surrounds me,
Left over from a few hours ago
When I wasn’t with you.
Can you see his reflection in my eyes?
I look into his so much,
It must be ingrained in my head.
Can you hear my thoughts,
As I compare you to him.
Can you taste his mouth on my neck?
Can you see the traces of his kisses
Down my body.
You follow his newly made path,
But you don’t know it.
I keep quiet
Letting you exhilarate me.
My voice comes forth,
An approving sign for you to keep going.
I haven’t given him that sign,
It’s your marked territory.
But I’m afraid.
Do you see my nerves jittering
As we pass by spots of passion
Not created by you and me.
Is the fear as palpable to you,
As it is to me?
Can you hear it in my voice,
When I speak his name
Instead of yours?
Can you feel his hand in mine,
Instead of yours?
Do you feel him,
Instead of me?
~Mandielynn 2.22.01