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There came a time when I lived with only dreams.

I was happy, but things aren't always what they seem.

I didn't know if they'd ever come true.

When they started disappearing, I turned blue.

I suddenly didn't care anymore,

Gave up, never would explore.

But it's all coming back to me now,

I know what to get, and I know how.

It all came rushing back at me.

Whispering themselves to me silently.

I can see them coming true.

I've said this before, but it's because of you.

Because of you, I will have children.

My first born girl will be Chrysten.

But I won't have them to early in life.

Not until I am made your wife.

And I know that's how you feel too.

Naming the boy is up to you.

We'll only have two little ones,

Only a year or so apart, and then some.

A boy and a girl would be nice,

So they can ask us both for advice.

I can see it all right now,

Them growing and us wondering how.

Together me and you will grow old and grey,

Learn from each other and in our own way.

Living a life of perfect happiness,

Our lives will be filled with love and nothing less.

We'll answer our baby's questions as best we can,

And before we know it, we'll be on a retirement plan.

And one of these days,

I'll own a BMW, because I have my ways.

I'll get a well payed job doing something I enjoy.

Not sure what yet, but I'll fill the void.

I can see my life clear as the sky,

And now I'm set to fly.

And if it all should collide,

I know that I'll have you right by my side.

Mandielynn 1/1/99
