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Please, It's Longtime Overdue

All I want is to be happy.

You're the only one that can give it to me.

But for some odd reason you can not,

Where in this fabric is the knot?

Where's the problem?

Why can't we solve them?

Please, just let me be happy,

Let me smile and feel as energetic as a puppy.

Please let me enjoy my teen years,

Please keep me away from so many tears.

It was only a little while since that day,

When we signed our hearts away.

But I also remember entrusting my happiness in you.

But you have not returned it, and it's due.

Oh, it's so very due for me to have happiness.

It's almost to late to fill the emptiness.

So now I ask of you to fullfill your promise,

And let me be happy, give me it when we kiss.

Let us be happy, talk about love,

Let nothing else come that we're thinking of.

Let's talk about kissing and hugging,

Let's get rid of this emotional baggage I'm lugging.

Help me unload all these tears,

Help me fullfill the rest of my years.

Pleast stay with me all day and all night through.

Please give me the same I gave to you.

Give me what I deserve.

That's all I ask, is my reserve.

But you do not seem to understand,

I'm falling, and you aren't where I'm going to land.

Please stay with me,

Please be there for me.

Please be certain when you tell me something,

And promise me many a good thing.

Please don't make promises you can not keep,

For then you'll once again make me weap.

Please make up for the time you lost,

And make up for all the pain you've cost.

That's all I ask of you,

Let me have what is long time over due.

-Mandielynn 1/14/99
