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Tears of pain
Come instead of rain.
Heat of passion,
Instead of the sun.
Aphrodite, Venus and Nimue,
Has taken over me and you.
Love is all the magick I need,
Nimue is in way too deep.
Goddess has taken her consort.
A plan too good to abort.
Consort and the Virgin Huntress,
Come together by the Goddess.
Under the magickal pull of Her,
Anything is likely to occur.
She is with me now,
Showing me how.
Guiding my seemingly virgin hand,
Giving me all the pleasure I can stand.
She whispers softly in my ear,
Through him so that the meaning is clear.
Aphrodite has taken over me.
Overcome with ecstasy.
My body is no longer my own,
Belongs to Her, and Her alone.
His body is not the one I know,
It now belongs to Him who was chosen long ago.
The power alive and raw inside me,
She is shining through brightly,
The glow surrounding us,
Growing stronger with every caress.
Venus brought us together,
Aphrodite making me light as a feather,
Floating along above us.
Letting our bodies give into lust.
So strong, we can't control.
Two bodies become a whole.
In perfect harmony,
As utter oblivion takes me.

-Mandielynn 11.9.99