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Fake Love

You know that I once loved another man.

But please listen, and understand.

Understand that my love for him,

Was forced and not even to the rim.

I didn't know who he was,

I was going out with him just because.

I began forcing myself to,

Even though I knew it wasn't true.

I didn't know how much my heart could give,

Until I realized that without you, I couldn't live.

The love for him was never like the love for you,

His was false, but I managed to make it all seem true.

Now that I see from the outside looking in,

I wouldn't ever force myself to love again.

Because now I know how loving makes you feel,

And would never take the fake over the real.

But I guess that I love him now,

Since I forced myself to know how.

But loving him was never true.

Not comparing it to the love I that have for you.

©Mandielynn 7/19/98
