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Faith in the Diamond and the Rose

We've been through so much,

The harshest word, the softest touch.

Our love will survive through the worst day,

And glide us through the best day.

It'll show us the light in the dark,

And it'll help us heal our wounded hearts.

It'll always stand nice and tall,

Like a rose, the petals'll never fall.

It'll always be bright,

And suck in the light.

The color will always shine,

As I am yours and you are mine.

The leaves were stepping stones,

So that we're sure we'll never be alone.

They were the not so sturdy ground,

Not ever sure of falling down.

We've gotten through all the thorns now,

We've gotten to the top and we wonder how.

We're stunned by the brilliance of it's fullness,

The color tells us we'll always be in happiness.

We just have to care for our rose,

And make sure it always grows.

Put your faith in this love,

And let it be the only thing you think of.

Turn to it with trust,

And it'll leave everything else in the dust.

Just put your faith in it whole heartedly.

Because when you do, you give faith to me.

When you believe in our longlasting happiness,

So do I, and there's suddenly none of that emptyness.

You fill me full of you,

Love, just so true.

So put faith in the love that we share,

And know that our love will always be there.

That shouldn't be to hard to do,

Since it only means loving you.

Does that mean it'll be tough as a diamond?

Even if the chips have already been done?

Since it's still durable and strong,

And certain to last long.

It'll shine in the light of the moon,

And reflect on me and you.

The end can draw blood so easily,

But can it heal anybody.

It took shape hidden in the grass,

But it'll shatter a heart of glass.

Any danger will run and hide,

Afraid of the light inside.

It'll remain as smooth as a still lake.

It won't ever shatter or break.

So just have faith in us,

We'll make it through the dust.

We'll be strong enough to survive,

And we'll be able to keep it alive.

Just put faith in the love that grows.

Put faith in the diamond and the rose.


