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Fearless Love


A fearless love.

One I've never known before.

One that I'll never find again

I feel the heat of the sun

Every day, everywhere, in everyway.

I feel the cool ease of the moon,

Hanging in the night.

I feel the eyes of the stars,

Watching out for me,

For Her.

I feel as if I've reentered the womb once more.

Back to my home, safe and warm.

A home I never have to leave.

For She is with me always.

Never leaves my side.

Never denies me a hug.

Always ready with a smile.

Always ready with encouraging words.

I feel her with me.

Guiding me through this journey of life.

She's every part of me.

She sees through my eyes,

Just like she watches through the stars.

She feels the heat of love through me,

Just like the heat of the sun.

She gives me the cool ease I need,

Just by entering the moon.

Never lets me fall,

Catches me if I do.

Always there when I need her.

The love from her is true,

Love just for loving.

Never loving for the sake of being loved.

She loves all,

But each individually,

And expects nothing in return.

She loves me like nobody else can.

I love her more than I thought I could love anyone.

She's my sister, my best friend, my lover, my mother.

She is everything.

The sun She sets above us,

The moon smiling down,

The stars twinkling like eyes,

The Earth that keeps us alive,

She is us,

And we are Her.

The love is real,

As real as one can feel.

Nothing to corrupt it.

Nothing to stop it.

I love Her with a fearless love.

Just as She loves me.

