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That Fire

That ring of fire has come up again.

I'm left in the cold until then.

But I get warmed eventually,

And then get burned continually.

Tryin' to pick up the pieces of us two,

Only for them to get tossed out again by you.

I always took us together forever as a given,

But then again...

No, I want to pretend.

Even if there should be an end.

I love to know that our love holds us true,

But there's so much between me and you.

Again, that fire's coming,

And again you're running,

While I try unsuccessfully,

To get rid of something that has control over me.

You leave me to burn,

And still give me nothing in return.

Why must that be so?

Is this so hard to know?

To understand?

That to live, I need your hand?

To surive this thing called life,

I need you as husband and me as wife?

To have and to hold,

And our love made of solid gold?

To love and to cherish,

Until both of us should perish?

In this fire that seperates us,

And this life that hates us?

No, it's not that hard to understand,

It's just the matter at hand.

This fire needs to be put to it's final end,

So that we'll be together until the end.


