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Flaming Tear

I'm gazing at a flame just lit.

The unnoticable breeze threatening it.

It's as though it's a flaming tear,

Sliding down a sad face in fear.

Afraid of being wiped away,

But not gone to stay.

For a tear can only come to an end,

If wiped away by a lover or a friend.

Wiped away by the same body that let it go,

Will only allow it to spread and grow.

But this tear is different,

As if this is the last tear to be spent.

It just keeps quivering in the breeze,

Allowing me to envision a peaceful ease.

Unlike the tear that is falling from my eye,

I'm not sure where it came from, with eyes so dry.

I'm so close to the flame that I feel it's heat,

Rising up and burning me.

The tear does the same,

But falls and puts out the flame.

Now smoke rises in a black string,

Blurring my eyes , unable to see anything.

The tear has infact spread,

And my eyes will surely be red.

More warm drops fall,

And I let out a voice to call.

Who, I know this for sure.

The one I love so strong a pure.

The flaming tear has died, lost without you,

Still I'm alone, but in the dark now too.

©Mandielynn 11/8/98
