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There's Never a Forever

©Mandielynn 7/14/98

Forever always comes to an end.

There's always that time when Father Time says "when."

When two friends no longer know each other,

And two lovers are no longer together.

When the music comes to an end,

And an enemy becomes a best friend.

When Mother and teen finally become friends,

That's the time when forever ends.

Never always happens,

There's always that small fraction.

When a husband hits his wife,

When a happy rich woman will take her life.

When a five year old child picks up a gun,

When a sixteen year old commits a hit and run.

When a long lost brother and sister are brought together.

That's when you'll understand why people say "Never say Never."

When these things happen to you,

You'll understand that these words are not so true.

Forever is long,

And Never is strong.

Never and Forever,

They're not so true, but'll always be there.
