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Forgive Me

My eyes only see what they want to see,

My ears only hear what they want to hear.

But my heart, my poor heart, sees and hears all.

My heart cries a river, drowning me.

Every hurtful comment brings one more tear.

You stand above the water, watching me fall.

My eyes and ears miss a lot,

Making me wonder if you're who I make you out to be.

Making me wonder who it is I love.

Whether you know it or not,

Many of my tears can't be seen.

They're what pain is really made of.

You know, I thought we got through.

I thought we got through the pain and misery.

But the pain and regret is to much to forget.

The only person strong enough is you.

You maybe weak, but you're stronger than me.

I need you to keep our promises of love fully kept.

Two months doesn't come even with five,

Yet you want to be free again already.

But I just can't seem to let you go.

I depend on you too much to keep me alive,

Even more after the pain you gave me.

I always run to you-I'm self destructive you know.

No matter what it is I should say,

No matter what it is I should do.

Nothing can change the way I feel.

That when you're with me, you should stay forever and a day.

And when you're not, all I think about is missing and loving you.

The whole time, I'm wishing that my dreams were real.

Sometimes I feel as if my dreams are the reason for this.

But people are aloud to dream-aren't they?

Otherwise you're left to face reality alone.

Reality hits hard when there's somebody you miss.

Reality makes you feel the pain every day.

Makes you wonder how you ever made it on your own.

I guess that's the reality of love.

You forget what it was like without them.

Most of the time, you don't want to remember.

It's to painful a thought to think of.

To think of your life without them?

That's something no lover whats to remember.

I need to be comforted by you.

I need to be surrounded by affection and love.

I need everything, for once, to go the way I plan.

I need reassurance that we'll pull through.

I need to see and know that I'm the one you're thinking of.

And, most of all, I need your hand.

I need your hand to lead me through.

Don't leave me here all alone.

I can't let you go quite yet, I'm sorry.

I appreciate everything you've ever done for me, thank you.

But I need you still, I can't quite do it on my own.

I ask you to always stay with me, and please forgive me.

-Mandielynn 2/18/99
