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Friends, they come and they go.

Ones that stay, you won't know.

Some are your best friends one day,

And the very next, have faded into grey.

Loosing a best friend hurts so much,

Whether it wasn't working, or you lost touch.

A simple hello from one can bring you a smile,

Give you energy to run that extra mile.

A friend is a very special gift,

It takes only one to give you that lift.

A friend can show you the way,

Whether it be dark as night or clear as day.

They always seem to know,

Whether you're feeling high or low.

When you're feeling down,

They can always be found.

They share with you something only you can share.

It is the love you share with someone that cares.

Through the good times and the bad,

Remember a good time you guys have had,

And everything will turn out all right.

The skies will once again be bright.

They'll love you whether you're short or tall

Whether you're loud or not at all.

They'll love you whether you're rich or you're poor.

After all, what're friends for?

-Mandielynn 1/6/99
