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They Keep Going...

A girl sitting in the window,

Watching all the people below.

Watching the the people pass by,

Watching and wondering why.

This is only the base of her questions.

And the least of her intentions.

She's thinking a lot of her own.

Not of the people walking all alone.

She's thinking of two important people in her heart.

But they're full of hate, and tearing her apart.

They love her a lot,

But they're not giving it all they've got.

Instead they turn against her,

And let her endure.

She tries to run away,

But they catch her by the next day.

They keep going on, giving less to thought than touch.

Allowing themselves to hurt her way to much.

She tries to make them hear,

But they won't and cause a sad tear.

She's not sure where to turn,

All she can do is hope and yearn.

She's giving it her all,

But without their help, she'll surely fall.

This can't keep going,

All this hating and loathing.

This is what she is thinking,

But what she says, the meaning is shrinking.

She doesn't know she's not the only one.

She's not the only watcher of this "supposed" fun.

One more sits alone,

Watching in this grey tone.

This one thinks, little does she know,

That this pain will grow and grow.

It will hurt and take power,

Overrule the heart and devour.

But she's much to full of heart,

She could never pull them apart.

She's afraid of being alone,

Afraid of being cold to the bone.

So she allows them to hurt her more,

And she doesn't even know what they're doing it for.

-Mandielynn 11/27/98
