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My Heart

We have been though so much bad,

Sometimes being together was all we had.

To ourselves, we were true,

Especially when I was laying with you,

The passion in our eyes,

Helped destroy any and all lies.

Your arms slip around me,

With them, I'm bound to you so tightly.

Feeling your warmth and kindess was best,

But your love has always shined over the rest.

Your touch made me hold on tight,

Never to let go, even during the worst night,

When all we do is yell and shout,

And we find ourselves looking for a way out.

That is why I always followed my heart.

Afraid that we'd be torn apart.

In my heart I put in full trust.

While my body was full of lust.

My heart I would follow,

Anything else, I wouldn't allow.

I trusted none other within me,

Only my heart, one and only.

That may be why I was so confused.

Because my body was being used.

Now that you and I are better now,

I'm not sure at all how.

How I could put so much faith in my heart,

When in reality it was tearing us apart.

Now I follow what I feel

I'm able to tell what is real.

The feeling and emotion,

The love getting set in a steady motion.

And the passion going fast and strong,

Something we've been waiting to come for so long.

They're for once walking hand in hand,

And now we'll be able to make our love stand.

-Mandielynn 10/27/98
