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I Believe

I believe in many things.

I believe that crying is habit forming.

Laughter is the payment.

I believe that you're never too old or too young to fall in love.

Age is just a number and you shouldn't be held responsible for it.

I believe that you can love many people the same way.

People aren't always what they seem to be.

I believe that adults are just as clueless as they think their children are-maybe more.

I believe in angels.

Something bigger than life. It's not Jesus Christ.

I belive in fate. There's nothing you can do to change it.

Sleep doesn't hide you from anything-just takes you to the next day.

I believe that weekends are too short.

People work too hard.

I believe in miracles.

I believe in people I shouldn't.

I believe in people I should.

I believe in love.

I believe way to much.

I believe this is the end.


