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Invisible Wounds

I’m black and blue
But no bruise.
It’s on the inside.
I take blow after blow,
But can’t leave you.
Like a dog that gets beat.
And knows no better
Than to lick the hand that beats her.
Because it’s also the hand
That feeds her.
The sharp teeth so close to flesh,
Secretly yearning to rip it.
But only uses it’s tongue,
Too good inside to take revenge.

But I’m not a dog,
And yet I won’t fight back.
I just take it,
And am left to deal with it.
I can’t show you my affection,
‘Cause your hand isn’t low enough.
I can’t lick my wounds
And move from you,
Too busy trying to lick your hand.
Too busy trying to heal your wounds
That I can’t see.
I won’t take the time away from you
To heal my wounds,
‘Cause you’re too important to me
To risk loosin’ you
Over my incurable wounds.
So go ahead,
Color me more black and blue,
I’ll still come back to you,
To lick your invisible wounds.

~Mandielynn 5/26/01