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Kiss of Death

I'm staring now, at what could be my death.

The very thing that could halt my breath,

As quick as a snap of the fingers.

The sickening smell that lingers

Around the body,

Of what once was me.

But is no longer,

Because He was stronger.

The one that made me do this,

The one that touched me with a single kiss.

The kiss of death has landed on me,

And now I am dead, or should be.

Yes, I'm still staring.

Not sure of the pain I'll be bearing.

I'm thinking my life through,

Thinking if this is what I should really do.

Is this really fair?

But then again, who would care?

I'm almost positive the answer is nobody.

And certain as hell not me.


The word I fear most.

It comes up whenever I think this way,

And it begs me to stay.

I hate my mind,

But it'll be dead all in time.

My mind gives me another reason to do this,

Glad that He gave me that deadly kiss.

My eyes begin to wander from my death in the case,

And sees in the mirror, my very own face.

Very pale, no color at all.

My eyes seem so very dull.

They've sunken back in my head,

Waiting to shut when I'm dead.

They're waiting and wanting to.

But I'm still not sure what to do.

Again I'm staring at that object,

Wander who it'll affect.

Ofcourse my family,

And my friends more than likely.

Sure I'll miss them too.

But I'll give it all up for you.

Yes, you.

You choose what I should do.

I have my answer right here,

All you have to do is whisper it in my ear.

A simple yes will be enough for me,

And I'll enter eternity.

A simple no, and I'll put it away,

And live yet another day.

But I'll wonder why,

Because you're the guy.

You're the one that gave me that kiss,

You're the one that I wouldn't miss.

Because you'd be there with me,

In hell, all eternity.


