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My Life

There comes a time when nothing goes right.

When everything is wrong, and nothing bright.

When you never laugh, but you always cry.

When you sit and always ask yourself why.

There comes a time when you feel you are lost forever.

That you'll never find your way out, not ever.

But, lucky for me there is.

I found my way out of this.

I found my white in the black,

And I found what I seriously lack.

What I lacked was happiness, and I got it from you.

What I lacked what fun, and I got that from you too.

What I lacked was a life, but I just gave that away.

I gave it to you, so now you must stay.

It's no longer mine to hang on to.

What you do with it, that's up to you.

It's safer this way.

Keep it far away.

In your care,

I know you'll treat it fair.

In your hospitality,

I know it won't be taken by me.

I feel safer knowing it's with you.

But I ask one thing of you.

Please keep it in your greatest care,

And maybe one day I'll take it back if I dare.

