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Love or Hate?

There's something called love,

And the definition I can't think of.

Noboby really knows,

It's just something that grows.

People think they know how it is,

But many things they don't-such as this;

Many mistake love for infatuation,

Mistake it because of miscommunication.

Nobody knows what it means,

But when it comes to love, they're all fiends.

They all think they know it,

And how to show it.

One lonely night,

A sad girl in something tight.

A woman in all her joy,

Goes to bed with a boy.

Feelings are hurt,

With love comes the dirt.

Sometimes it's consumed by hate,

And comes back two minutes to late.

Love is strong,

But hate lasts long.

When hate wins,

All love is thrown to the winds.

People are killed,

Stomachs never quite filled.

Guns put to the test,

And love is put to rest.

Bodies lay on the ground,

Cities are falling down.

Flattened by a single blow,

People are dead before they know...

That's one kind of hate,

The one that holds the worlds fate.

Then there are the others.

The one between brothers.

The one between families,

Who are now you and me.

The one between ex-lovers,

Who thought they knew each other.

The hate that consumes you,

Is love that is no longer put to use.

Love is hard to define, never sure if it's true,

You'd never think hate could be mistaken too.

Love and hate,

Known a little to late.

-Mandielynn 8/30/98
