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I Miss You

Your smile has gone away.

Hasn't been seen since that day.

I miss you.

Now you only fake,

A smile's not hard to make.

I miss you.

Tears fall in it's place.

I can see it in your eyes, your face.

I miss you.

You've buried it somewhere long ago.

It used to be all I know.

I miss you

I took it for granted way back when.

I was in your place but well then..

I miss you

I used to be in your shoes.

Didn't know where to go, which to choose.

I miss you.

You helped me through.

My life was in your hands, you knew.

I miss you.

You turned me around,

I now have my feet planted on the ground.

I miss you

Now it's you that feels six feet below.

I'm here to help you, please let me know.

I miss you.

I'd give anything to have you back.

I'm here to fill in what you lack.

I miss you.

I want to see that boyish grin on your face.

I want a smile to take the tears' place.

I miss you.

Come back to me,

People love you, why can't you see?

I miss you.

You're going to be fine.

Relax, and enjoy this time.

I miss you.

Don't give up now.

Life will turn around, even if you don't see how.

I miss you.

Keep going ahead.

Listen to your heart, not your head.

I miss you.

Just do your best.

Take your time and pass the test.

I miss you.



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