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Never Enough

Caught in something so harsh,
A young woman so soft and sweet.
Her mind convincing her body,
Drifting away into nothing.
Her tummy dwindling,
Her heart screaming aloud.
But she can't hear it.
Her mind is determined
To fix something that is not broken.
Drowning out the screams of her heart.
Swallowing away the gnawing in her belly.
She can't listen to it.
She doesn't want to.
Nothing is wrong she says.
I have it under control she insists.
But her body can't take it.
It'll give in eventually.
It'll stop working.
Her tummy will give up.
So will her heart.
She is drifting away,
But she just can't see it.
We tell her she's beautiful,
But she insists she needs to loose more.
Always more,
It's never enough.
She can't loose it fast enough.
She can't see her rib cage,
But the rest of the world can.
She figures if she doesn't eat,
She will loose weight.
-Or as least not gain anymore.
She wants to be beautiful.
Or at least pretty.
She doesn't realize she already is.
Her eyes are confused,
Swayed by her mind.
They are blind to her beauty.
They are lost in lies.
And her life is at stake.
Her body isn't satisfying her mind.
She's not loosing anything,
Everything is fine she tries.
Her food intake is down to nil,
And getting lower.
Always lower.
Never enough.