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Not Fair

Nothing is fair anymore,

Life's not easy anymore.

Appearance is everything,

and personality is nothing.

Sex is on the brain.

But the outcomes are such a pain.

Late for school,

Is this cool?

Drugs everywhere.

Adulthood is almost here.

Seen as a child still.

Treated as less; bigger shoes to fill.

Parents suddenly not around.

Younger siblilings are going down.

Where's that scale-what's my weight.

How should I dress for this date?

Oh! He's hot!

Ew! He's not!

Is my hair okay?

What are we doing today?

Puberty is staring us in the face.

People treat growing as a race.

Too wide here, to small there.

Only gain as much weight as you dare.

The teen years are so hard.

But adults never take time to think that far.

This cars' good-that one's better.

She wants to drive-don't let her.

I finally am wearing his ring.

He broke my heart, and still has everything.

I lost it all.

In life, I'll surely fall.

Teen years feel like a test,

If you can handle them, you can handle the rest.

The strong ones will make it.

The weak ones will fake it.

Some don't care.

Why should they?-It's not fair.

-Mandielynn 3/1/99
