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The Way Out

You say you wish there was a way out,

But in your mind, there isn't any doubt.

Because there is a way, you just won't because of me.

Am I supposed to be happy?

Because I know that you're not happy as you are right now,

And you'd rather get out of it if you just knew how.

More like you won't, you and I both see.

But where does that leave me?

Should you take ur life,

From a gun, a leap, or a knife,

Where does that leave me?

It leaves me, and only me.

I love you, there is no doubt.

But I hold you from your only way out.

I know this isn't true,

But this is from my point of view.

You may throw a sarcastic remark or two.

But I know what's going on inside of you.

You're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Your unhappy life, or my not-so-pretty face.

Well gee,

This would be a hard choice for me.

But it's not my desicion,

I hopefully won't be there when you make that inscision.

The one that halts the breath,

And brings you to a welcoming death.

I hopefully won't be there when you exhale one last time,

But I would do the same, just give me time.

Because if you can do it,

Then I can do it.

It's as simple as one two three.

If you take you away from me,

I'll be the next one to take a flying leap,

And from me, nobody would hear another peep.

I'd be safe six feet below,

And then you'll know.

If you jump, I jump too.

That's how much I love you.

©Mandielynn 7/24/98
