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Pathological Liar

Look at your eyes.
Can you see anything but lies?
Spiral through those lies you tell
That never stay the same.
See where you fell,
From that stool you claim.
Look around you.
Does any of it stay the same?
Is everything you do,
Nothing but something to blame?
A game you play on everyone
Because the stage is set, the lines are done.
But do you see that line,
Where the stage drops into nothingness
And you're not fine?
When all your words mean much less?
Because people can't see you.
They hear meaningless words that don't go through.
You should realize just what you do.
Stop wandering around on this stage,
Set for something other than your lies,
But you're turning it into your own cage.
Bars striping your face and you don't realize.
Too lost in your own mind,
Don't want to dig, don't want to find.
You think you know just what is there.
But it may be your own sanity you spare.
You claim it's me you're trying to save.
But I don't think you know that you're the slave.
I don't think that you realize,
What you visualize.
Take the truth and analyze.
Twist the words you say,
Twist the fate you make
Think you can always stay,
In the life that you know is fake.
Running away from reality.
Not seeing what you're eyes see.
Too far off in your illusion
Throwing everybody you know
Into your believable delusion
Nobody understands to tell you no.
You tell the lies when your mind is lost,
Don't think of the trust it'll cost.
You don't even know what is truth anymore.
What you really hide, what's behind that door.
You're so caught up in your web that you made,
That you can't even see the tangled mess you laid.
The face of truth mangled to decieve,
Until you can't do anything but leave.
Leave the past behind you.
Come to terms with the truth.
Let go of your deep dark secrets,
Cancel all bets.
Before you're out of the frying pan,
And into the fire.
You're thrown into a mental institution,
Your diagnosis: Pathological Liar.