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Set Love Free

I can remember as if it were yesterday.

The first time you kissed me.

So soft, so gentle.

You set me free.

It seems moments ago,

The first time you said I love you.

Your voice so quiet and clear.

I knew the words you said were true.

You know just how to make me smile.

When I can't seem to do anything but cry.

You know how to make me feel good about myself.

And it seems like you don't even have to try.

You love me, yes I know that.

You're always thinking about me.

I know that one too.

And I can feel it when the laughter swells inside of me.

I can see it when a smile appears on someone's face.

I can dream it when I'm touched in a dream.

I can imagine it when I look into the sky.

And I know there's more than it may seem.

I know you're love for me is felt deep inside.

To the point where you're almost afraid of it.

Because I know how I can make you melt.

And I know by the way that your face lit.

You hide it because you think it's vulnerability.

You try and analyze it too much.

But I'm telling you, it won't work.

Reality is wiped away with a single touch.

I know that I create the same sensation

When I touch you just so.

And you know that I can make your dreams come true.

Make your heart, mind, and soul grow.

Because everytime I touch you,

I feel the love.

And everytime I leave you,

It feels like I can't get enough.

The feeling of your love is so strong,

If just you'd let it be free.

Open up your heart and smile.

And let yourself openly love me.

I know you can do it,

Because you've done it before.

So don't be afraid to show it.

Love me, and don't hide it anymore.

-Mandielynn 8.20.99