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The Strength

Love is not logical.

And it's not reasonable.

It's a force that nobody can empower.

It's something that can and will devour.

It eats away at the pain.

Makes sun out of rain.

It devours the heart,

It devours the soul and tears it apart.

It cuts through the tears,

And makes months into years.

It's something nobody can run from.

It catches up to them in the long run.

Nobody can excape that eternal tie.

Not you nor I.

Once love has found a soul,

That person is never left in the cold.

There's always somebody there.

Somebody to hold them near.

To push away the pain and regret,

And give them something neither will forget.

It can even be found,

In the hardest heart, tightly bound.

Bound by barriers of disappointment and hate.

Bound by their own sad fate.

It's always there,

Hidden deep somewhere.

In the darkest deepest part.

In the bottom of this girl's heart.

I know this is true,

For I have found that I truly love you.


