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Thank You

Looking above me,

I see the stars shining brightly.

There's these two out of all, from East to west..

They're so much brighter than the rest.

Reminding of your eyes,

Often hiding behind the clouds in the skies.

A smile spreads across my face,

You're under these too, some place.

I'm not sure where you are tonight,

But I know you'll be thinking of me all through the night.

I shudder from the cold,

But am warmed by the memories of old.

Your arms, your smile, your love.

You give me all I could possibly dream of.

I know how much I abuse this,

My old self I really do miss.

But I'll be able to cope,

Knowing I always have your love and hope.

I look at the brightest star in the sky.

I see you and feel as if I can fly.

I whisper I love you to that star above,

Knowing you can feel my love.

I almost turn to leave this starry night,

But another thought comes, and it seems so right.

I look a little more, and think of what to do.

I decide it is best, and yell "Thank You."

It echos off the mountains and the moon,

Off the stars. It'll reach you soon.

Slowly I turn away.

I know I did the right thing today.

I feel your love fill me from my head through to my toes,

It's as hot and red as the blood on which it flows.

In my room I look once again.

I hear my thanks one last time just then.

Now I smile, thinking of my message to you.

Will you know who said "Thank you?"


