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That Day

Tears well in my eyes.
For a reason unknown to me.
My throat aches.
But not like it did before.
My heart feels like it could burst.
But not because of pain.
My breathing picks up it's pace.
But not because I'm upset.
Emotions run through me,
Some I've never felt before.
Others I've felt a million times.
But never like this.
Never this strong,
And never quite this way.
Sadness, Fear, Excitment,
Happiness, Joy, Love.
All running through my veins,
All at the same time.
Moving so fast,
My mind has no time to process.
It went blank a while ago.
I guess that's the only way.
I expect pain,
I expect blood.
I don't know what to expect at all.
A rush,
But nothing at all.
A fullfillment I never felt before,
Spreads through me.
From my belly to my heart.
My mind to my soul.
I can't think.
Not a thought comes to mind.
But my feelings are enough.
I watch without seeing.
I feel without thinking.
I do without knowing,
And I speak without hearing.
This will change my life forever,
But will never alter it.
The visions,
The memories,
They make themselves scarce.
I can't remember it,
I can't express it.
But I can feel it.
And I know it.
Nobody else will ever understand.
Nobody else will ever know.
There was beauty,
There was love.
But it's something that only can be felt.
And only understood between two people.
Neither of us can explain it,
Neither of us know quite the words to use.
There's no such words,
In all the languages of the world,
That could express all the feelings we felt.
Or what we feel today.
But the two of us will always share it.
And we will always cherish what we shared that day.
Cherish what each has given to the other.
And love each other in a way that no words could ever express.

-Mandielynn 9/2/99