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We've come to the end of our love,

At least I have.

I'm not sure about you,

But what I'm saying is true.

I love you in a different way now,

But I'm not so sure that you know how.

How to love me like a friend

And still know our other love is past the end.

I have come to see,

What exactly you meant to me.

I never really knew you,

But to you I had been true.

I had never loved before hand,

So I followed you into the land.

The land of the loving,

And of the caring.

I was totally lost,

Not sure what it could cost.

But in the end I paid,

For faking in my trade.

Because I came to realize,

That I wasn't seeing with my eyes.

I only saw what my mind aloud,

Which left my head in a cloud.

In the beginning, I wasn't sure about you,

So when you said "I love you" I said it too.

I didn't want to lie about it,

So I made myself believe it.

Eventually it became true,

Because my mind had me all confused.

But now that I see from the outside in,

Fake love was all it had ever been.

I'm sorry to have lied,

I thought and I had tried.

I guess now my love for you,

Is purely friendship, but this time true.

I'm sure you don't believe me,

But I do, truthfully.

But a friendship is all that can come of us,

Because now I've found someone, and not out of force.

Right now I'm speaking all in truth,

Because I'm tired of lying to you.

I never meant to,

And I'll always be sorry to you.

I'm sure that you'll never forgive me,

But I hope never isn't as strong as it seems to be.

Please forgive me for what has been,

Please forgive me Ben.

And even if you don't believe me,

Hear me speak truthfully.

I love you like a friend,

And unlike romantic love, it has no end.

But no matter what I say,

I'll always love you anyway.

Even if it is just as a friend,

I'll love you to the end.

That is straight to you from me,

And I say it all so truthfully.

Please believe me,

When I say I'm sorry.

©Mandielynn 7/21/98
