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Why does it ache so much?

Why do I need you so much?

Yearning for your simple touch.

Dreaming of your caress,

And wishing for your kiss.

Why does it hurt me so,

I don't even know.

I live for you talking to me,

I'm simply in heaven when you hold me.

I could never ask for more,

It is you that I simply adore.

And yet I find myself hungry,

As if you've never once held me.

I can't understand,

I hate the problem at hand.

I don't know what to do,

And I've got you upset now too.

I'm not sure of where I'm going.

And I don't know what I'm doing.

All I know is that I love you.

Your love in return is all I can ask of you.

That is all you can ever give,

And knowing that alone, I'll live.

Your love is a shild to my heart,

So that I'm sure it'll never break apart.

But that won't keep it from the constant ache,

As if the rest of my body was entirely fake.

As if my heart had to keep it all going,

And then it not even knowing.

Knowing what it'd recieve in return.

What would it recieve for the constant yearn?

Oh I wish and I dream,

So simple may it seem.

But I can hardly face a day

With you so far away.

If only you'd stay forever by myside,

Perhaps then my body could reside.

Take over for the pain,

And I could be happy with all to gain.

©Mandielynn 11/30
