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My World

Locked in a world so far away.

Nothing to do, nothing to say.

There's not even a tear to wipe away.

A million smiles appear but not one can stay.

In this world, I am nothing.

I am everything.

In this world, There is no touching.

There is only feeling.

Nothing to be said.

Nothing to be heard.

No light to be seen.

No color on the screen.

This world is mine, and mine alone.

I earned it, and it's mine to own.

It's nothing much, grey in tone.

To everybody but me, it is uknown.

Some have entered my world.

Have seen the universe of a lonely girl.

Seen the stars shine, round as a pearl.

Seen the sun spit fire, pieces fall and swirl.

But nobody can live here.

Not one can enter this sphere.

Where all imagination and thought comes clear.

Where all that enters is pain, happiness, love, and fear.

Even though I love this world of mine.

Somtimes it feels like I'm trapped in time.

Things that are opposites entwine.

And I feel the fruit of my life dying on the vine.

But this is my universe, my life, my world to love.

My imagination to think of things undreamed of.

My heart to be strong enough to not fall short of.

My mind body and soul to be proud of.

