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Sarah Nicole Walstead

In honor of the wounded, lost and families of Littleton Colorado
April 20, 1999


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Sarah Nicole Walstead

Born: October 6th,1980

Sent to Heaven: August 6th,1988

Are there really Angels Among Us?

I certainly believe in them,
In fact I have We have our very own personal Guardian Angel,
her name is Sarah,
She has been my Guardian Angel for the last 10 years
She passed away from cancer (Non-Hodgkins-Lymphoma),
August 6, 1988.

I will dedicate this page to her,
in honor of her memory....

I am very proud to say she is my daughter,
who's life was shortened in so many ways...

you will never be forgotten,
I hope that in creating a memorial
in her honor will encourage others to contact me...


Your eyes are of full of wonder,
But,Could it be,
Because of love you know...

Because your life was shortened
No more room to grow
Yet,You fought every day,
With your body so weak,
I'll never forget the last kiss to your cheek,
Our hands held tight,
Our embrace just right,
Our bodies, and your soul.
I'll never understand why you had to suffer so,
It doesn't make sense that you so young,
had to bare, it just isn't fair...

I'll never forget you,
nor the pain that it brings,
A Mother and Daughter are a wonderful thing...

Love Mom...
In memory of our beautiful daughter,
Sarah Nicole Walstead

Click to hear my magical words

Sarah Nicole Walstead

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