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Chapter 7

"Ready? 5-6-7-8. Right foot A.J. Circle left Kevin," called out Fatima, the guys choriographer (sorry, I don't know how to spell it). Half way through the new dance move, Nick messed up and stood back to watch the others finish up. "Nick, consentrate," said Fatima. "You'll never get it right if you don't consentrate."

"Sorry," mumbled Nick, sighing.

Fatima smiled. "Alright. You guys have been working hard. Take a 10 minute break," said Fatima.

Nick sighed with relief and sat down against the wall, closing his eyes. He heard someone sit down beside him. He opened his eyes to see Brian next to him.

"What's the matter? You've been out of it for the last few weeks," said Brian.

Nick sighed. "I'm thinking about Dest," he admitted.

"Big surprise," scoffed Brian. Nick gave him a dirty look. "Look, Donna's letting you leave right after today practice. She's got a month to go, Nick. She'll be fine. You've only not see her for 4 months," assured Brian.

Nick smiled. "I guess your right. I have no reason to be worried," said Nick, trying to believe his own words. "I just can't wait to see her again."

Just then, Nick's pager went off. Nick had gotten the page a few months ago just incase Desteny had any problems. Desteny had laughed at the idea but Nick had insisted. If his pager was going off, something was wrong. Nick grabbed it and looked at it. "Oh shit," he said, his eyes scanning the message. He threw the pager to Brian, jumped up and ran out the door before Brian could even ask what was wrong.

Howie, A.J. and Kevin came over. "What's with Nick and where did he go?" asked A.J., looking at Brian over his sunglasses.

"I don't know. He read his pager, then ran out," said Brian.

"Well what does the pager say?" asked Kevin worried, knowing the purpose of the page.

Brian held up the pager and read out loud:

Nick, Dest's gone into premature labor. The doc says she's in for a rough ride. Get here as fast as you can. Melody

Brian looked at the others. "I don't think Nick will be coming back anytime soon," he said.

"Let's go tell Fatima and Donna," suggested Howie.

"I have to phone the hospital," said Brian, jumping up and running to the nearest phone.

Nick rushed into Desteny's hospital room (don't these people visit the hospital a lot?) to see that Melody was in there, standing next to Desteny's bed. Melody walked up to Nuck and hugged him.

"Glad your here. Dest is pretty scared," she whispered.

Nick nodded and went over to Desteny. She smiled at him nervously.

"How you doing?" asked Nick, taking her hand in his.

"Ok, but I'm never letting you touch me again," smiled Desteny. "No, I'm ok. But the doctors have been doing all these tests on me and they won't tell me why," she said scared.

"I can't find out anything either," said Melody, frustrated.

"I'll go see if I can find anyone to tell us what's going on," said Nick determinly, and left the room in search of a doctor.

A few minutes later, Nick and doctor came into the room.

"So, no one will tell you what's going on, huh?" asked the doctor smiling. Desteny shook her head. "Well the reason they've been doing all those tests is they want to make sure there are no compilations because of when you got shot. It's a good thing they did some of these test because we found out something was wrong," explained the doc.

"What? What's wrong?" asked Melody, worried for her two friends.

"There are some complications that could make it dangerous for you to have a normal birth. In this case, we're going to suggest you have a C-section. It will be perfectly safe and it won't hurt at all. We'll have you awake during the whole operation, just very sleepy," said the doc.

"C-section? What does that mean?" Melody asked, confused.

"It means they'll cut me open and but the babies out," said Desteny, frowning.

"That doesn't sound to bad," said Melody.

"You might be right. But one problem. They're going to be using tonns of needles and... I'M TERIFIED OF NEEDLES!!" cried Desteny.

"Calm down Dest. It'll be ok and we'll be right here beside you the whole time," said Nick, trying to calm Desteny down, who was close to tears.

"When the contration get closer together, I'll call some nurses to prep you for the operation," said the doc.

"Wait, the babies are a month early. Will that be a problem?" asked Nick, putting his arms around a teary eyed Desteny.

"We've done several ultra-sounds. They will be smaller than normal but you seem to have some very strong babies in there. They look like they are ready to come out. They may have developed quicker because of the lack of liquid but we don't know," explained the Doctor.

"Ok. Thanks," said Nick.

"I hope I answered your question. I'll leave you three to talk," said the Doctor. Then left.

"Perfect. Just perfect. I'm going to be cut open like a thanksgiving turkey," mumbled Desteny, wiping away her tears.

A few hours later, some nurses had prepared Desteny for the operation and were now taking her into the operating room. She had the astetics in her and she was higher than a kite!

Before Nick followed Desteny into the operating room, Melody pulled him aside.

"Nick, promise me. If anything goes wrong, you come out right away and tell me," begged Melody.

Nick smiled nervously. "Don't worry, nothing will go wrong," assured Nick.

Melody smiled and gave Nick a hug. Nick took and deep breath, and walked into the operating room.

To Chapter 8
