This is the place to find stories about those cuties, N'SYNC!!~~
Here they are. Stories about the florida based, N'SYNC. These guys have been becoming really popular these days. Plus, their music is really good. So, I made up some stories about the guys. I both don't know a lot of details about them so any of you N'SYNC fan-attics know facts (Even easy ones. I REALLY don't know a lot about them. HELP ME!!!), send them to me. I'd really like and I'll give you credit. So, read on and enjoy.
This is a 'N Sync fan awards page. If ya want and if you like my story, you can go here and nominate me or vote for me. But if you do, e-mail me and let me know. :o) Thanks
A Dream Worth Living <----- A story the guys going to see friends of J.C. and Justin and Lance's cousin. Old feelings start to arise and new ones begin By:~Magic~
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