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Note: I am moving across the country between May 20 and June 20, so this page will not be updated as frequently.
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My Pictures

     Welcome to my picture page. I obtained my pictures from various sources. Some of my pictures are from my own collection, some are from screen captures that I get from my video collection, some are from public domain sites, and some are from contributions. Because of space and time, I cannot credit each picture, not even my own...however, I do provide links to credited sources. If you have pictures you would like to donate feel free to email them to me, using the link provided.
     Because of the amount of pictures I have in my collection, I have seperated them into what I call "batches". I try to keep pictures grouped into drivers, however some drivers you will find in all batches. For example, if you are looking for Rusty Wallace pictures, and there are 30 pics of him in batch one, there may be an additional 10-15 or more in batch 2 or 3. I am also working on getting all pictures seperated by driver put on their own individual page.
     All pictures will vary in quality, though I try to keep only the best. However, some pictures can be fine tunedby either your home computer, or online sources, and I will provide some addresses for online tools. Though I have tried to run some pictures through these tools, and will continue to do so, there are just to many for me to run all of them.
     So feel free to roam around and look at my collection. If you have any pictures to donate, please send them to me. I will credit you in some fashion. Feel free to take any picture or image, for your homepage. The only thing I ask of you, is to provide a link back to my page. You can place it anywhere on your page. You can find out how to do this here.

(Drivers A-K, 245 Pictures)
(L-S 201 pictures)
(Drivers T-Z, 97 Pictures)

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