MeMe (mee-mee) was born on April Fools Day and while that opened up a whole host of possibilities for cool registered names, she also was born a singleton. As confirmed by an earlier ultrasound, her momma was only carrying one single precious pup. Normally a litter will have littermates and the pups learn their social skills with their siblings. In MeMe's case, she had nobody but her mother. Bella was very devoted to her pup and stayed with her way past the normal time. Once it was time to introduce her to the other adults, she jumped in with all 4 paws. By 6 weeks old she was using the doggy door though she could barely reach it. She was romping with the big guys in the yard and even preferred to drink water out of their large bowl versus her own private puppy water bowl.
MeMe at 15 weeks old - 7/18/17
MeMe is a proud mama ! Come and visit her lovely Champion daughter.
Finished her Championship at 16 months old and with 4 Major wins
Ch PawPrint No Shame in My Game - LIZZY
Golden Valley Kennel Club
December 1, 2018
judge: Ms Donna Beckman
owner-breeder handler: Christina Ghimenti
San Joaquin Valley Kennel Club
December 2, 2018
owner-breeder handler: Christina Ghimenti
April 12, 2018
Sacramento Valley Boxer Club
Judge: Peter Peel
++ at just 12 months old ++
Owner/breeder handled: Christina Ghimenti
*** WOW *** FIRST AKC SHOW *** WOW ***
Reserve Winners Bitch
October 20, 2017
Skyline Kennel Club
Judge: John C. Ramirez
++ at just 6 months old ++
Handler: Sonda Peterson
MeMe and her grandpa, Bobby - CH PawPrint Show Must Go On
MeMe at 6 weeks old
MeMe at 1 day old
When you are a singleton pup, it is all about ME !
Christina Ghimenti - PawPrint Boxers
AKC PEDIGREE for the awesome singleton MEME
CH Wildcrest N Irondale's
Walking On The Wild Side
Am Can/CH Bentbrook's Image Of High Noon, SOM
Can. Ch. Doll Announces Veni Vidi Vici
Can. Ch. Nor. Ch Ch. Mephisto's High Noon SOM
NOR CH Nit Noi
Bentbrook's Jewel Box
Ch Bentbrook's Double Precision
Bentbrook's Canadian Mist
Ch Irondale's Moment For Life
BIS BISS Am/Can GCh Duba-Dae's Who's Your Daddy, SOM CSOM
Ch Duba-Dae's Buster Brown
Ch Duba-Dae's Diamond Evolution
Fanfare N' Sonoran's Bare Naked Lady, DOM
Ch R and G's First Knight
Ch Fanfare Lady Marmalade, DOM
Show Me A Classic
(show pointed)
click for website
sister to BGCH PawPrint's Bit O' Blarney
Ch PawPrint Show Must Go On
sire of 1 AKC Champion
BIS BISS Am/Can GCh Duba-Dae's Who's Your Daddy, SOM CSOM
Ch Duba-Dae's Buster Brown
Ch Duba-Dae's Diamond Evolution
Ch Raintree's Sweet Dreams, DOM CGC
Am/Can Ch Beckencall's Daydream Believer
Ch Raintree's Unbridled Spirit
Hi Desert n PawPrint's In Plain Sight, HIC
dam of 1 AKC Champion
Ch TuRo's Overture, SOM
Ch Garnsey's Mad Max, SOM
Ch TuRo's Kaleidoscope
Ch Glenwood n Skidoo's Scandalous
Am/Can Ch Berlane's Joint Venture, SOM
BIS BISS Ch Skidoo's Charlie's Angel, DOM
SOM = Sire of Merit (produced 7 or more champions)
DOM = Dam of Merit (produced 4 or more champions)
LOM = Legion of Merit (produced 4 or more producers of merit)
CGC = AKC Canine Good Citizen
TT = American Temperament Test
HIC = Herding Instinct Certificate