March 1987 - September 2002


Please say hello to Smokey. She is the matriach of the PawPrint household. On March 12th, 2002 she turned 15 years old. That is 90 years old in human years!

Smokey was really a deciding factor in getting a short haired breed. With all her fur, the grooming takes quite a bit of time. She sheds all over the house. I won't even mention the matting I have to constantly detangle. It was decided that short haired dogs were the way to go.

Smokey runs the house with an iron paw. She keeps the dogs in line. Booker T is her best friend and they are often seen cleaning each other. As she gets older she has developed an appreciation for the Boxers' beds. And believe me, once she is cozy, nothing will move this large feline.

photos taken 3-25-02

15 years old

[ Smokey's favorite sleeping area ]     [ A final good-bye ]


Website created and maintained by - Christina Ghimenti
All Content and Images © PawPrint Boxers
No material, photo or graphic may be copied from this website!