February 10-11, 2005

February of 2005 saw me returning to Westminster Kennel Club for a 2nd year. This year I came a couple of days early to actually do some sightseeing in New York City.

This was the 129th show which is the second longest running sporting event next to the Kentucky Derby. This year saw a record breaking public entry to which they had to start turning away people each day! Never in the history of Westminster KC have they ever had such a large attendance.

Yes, these are my stadium photos from last year. But only because the view was exactly the same.
Thousands of people with a few dogs sprinkled in.

I had great seats for Groups and Best in Show. Right on the floor!

My mom went to New York and all she brought me back was this stupid crown!

I took quite a few photos of my trip and here are some of the collections

Statue of Liberty

More Statue of Liberty photos

My Hotel Room

Christo exhibit - "Gates of Central Park"


Great Pyrenees

My hotel was 2 blocks from the Empire State Building. This landmark was lit up in purple and gold in honor of Westminster.

I stayed at the Hotel Pennsylvania

This is directly across the street from Madison Square Garden and Penn Station.

Christina Ghimenti

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