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Post Modern Blues

Wake Me Up When Hitler is Really Dead

by adrien rain burke

It's hard to tell now - those who didn't grow up in the period immediately folowing WW2 may even find it hard to believe - but I grew up in a world without Hitler. Hitler, as far as we in that naive age knew, was dead.

Now, of course, the world is brimming with Hitlers, and the curiosity with which I speculate on the identity and location of the next Hitler has replaced the nerve-tingling anticipation with which post-war America once awaited next year's Buick. Would it have THREE chromium airscoops - or FOUR?

Let's see now: Qadaffi; Noriega; Saddam Hussein; and the latest model, Milosevic. A veritable little swarm of budding Hitlers, each requiring some sort of intervention somewhere. Because if we don't stop him Here and Now, he will conquer the world, and commit genocide (another word vastly diluted by overuse) etc., etc.

Never mind that none of this plague of Hitlers has demonstrated both the desire and the military capablility to conquer much of anything. Never mind that their adventures are often defensive or nonexistent. The word has been spoken, and the word is "Hitler," and that word justifies anything.

Never mind that we have tolerated - and provided weapons to monsters every bit as bloodthirsty (or more so) than the current crop of faux fuhrers. This time we are on the side of angels.

Never mind that Turkey, which in recent years has used American made equipment to slaughter Kurds to the number of 46,000 or more, Turkey is our ally against The Beast Milosevic. Nobody's perfect.

Never mind that we ignored Pol Pot's Hitlerian adventures in Cambodia and opposed Vietnam's rescue mission.

Never mind that we blithely ignored the slaughter in East Timor, while we supplied the weaponry that Indonesia required for the job.

Never mind that we overthrew Guatemala's elected government and supported a regime that killed well over 50,000 indigenous people there.

This is the real thing - the real, honest-to-god Hitler clone that this generation has the opportunity and the duty to Halt! (Achtung!)

And the incantation, the ritual intonation of "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler" silences all opposition, beause, like politicians, journalists are loathe to "pacify" any new or used Hitler.

Comedian Dick Gregory in his autobiography explained how he came to be a great runner: he would go to a gate with the sign "Bad Dog" on it, and turn that sucker loose! Because when a Bad Dog is after you, you will run faster than you ever thought you could, faster than anything. And, interestingly, the sign was enough. Many people with no dog at all have found such a sign useful, and those who might want to practice running like the wind aren't going to take the time to look back to see if there really is a Bad Dog back there.

So these reincarnations of Hitler are useful. These ersatz nazis make war thinkable to a population still skeptical after Vietnam. And they divert the eye from the real reasons for those wars. Qadaffi and Saddam Hussein, vile as they may be, earned the ire of America's establishment more through their allocation of oil money to their own citizenry than by their dictatorial tendencies - however bloody. We never minded Saddam's chemical warfare while he was doing it, after all, and his quarrel with Kuwait was legitimate: Kuwait was drilling on the slant into an Iraqui oil field and refused to stop. And on the virtues of Kuwait, the "democracy" we saved - what can be said of a state that permits the keeping of slaves in all but name, and forbids women to drive, much less to vote***. When these anomalies were pointed out to our then-current Hitler-killer Bush, he then blustered that we must save Saudi Arabia! Worse and worse. The same conditions apply in Saudi Arabia, plus a legal system even more unfair to women.

***FOOTNOTE: Within hours of the completion of this editorial, Kuwaiti women were granted complete legal equality with men. It's probably just a coincidence. . . .

******FOOTNOTE: Sorry, the Kuwaiti wonen's "equality" was later rescinded - guess they don't have an Equal Rights Amendment, huh?

We did many questionable things in that campaign. We subborned false testimony to convince Americans that the Iraquis were monsters, who put incubator babies on cold hospital floors and took the incubators for their own inscrutable military use.

We bombed and strafed retreating troops and the helpless civilians who accompanied them without mercy for days. We buried surrendering soldiers alive and destroyed the Iraqui's subversive sanitation system - condemning hundreds of thousands to disease and death, in a country which had had a universal modern health care system.

We never did "get" Saddam, but our sanctions and our bombs have killed over a million innocent Iraquis, and we are still condcting a quiet, little-noticed bombing campaign - destroying out-of-the-way villages, killing shepherds and their sheep, who probably represent some economic threat to us. (After all, sheep and their milk can be eaten. Wool can be used for weaving. We can't rest until every sign of civilization in Iraq is snuffed out.)

The "peace" we seek in our bombing there still eludes us, though the "enemy" is quiescent. It is as if there is some essential quality inherent in peace that is not achieved by even the most persistent bombing.

But we are after all, dealing with Hitler.

I suspect the reasons for our brutal treatment of Panamanian CIA asset and drug kingpin Noriega are deeply buried in some file we shall never see. But the slum we bombed to rubble one night around Christmas (Merry Christmas!)- that was a public act, and inevitably brought death to thousands. But who would oppose such necessary collateral damage when we're going after Hitler?

Now we are bombing a another nation back to a preindustrial state of affairs, using bombs long outlawed for their vicious antipersonnel effects. Cluster bombs are not smart bombs, but they are cute bombs. Bombs that may lie around for years, unexploded, pretty, bright colored bombs that look rather like toys, until a child happens along. . . .

But no bomb is too horrible when you are out to get Hitler.

And strangely, with the plethora of Hitlers on the world stage for us to vilify and bomb and whip up the people's righteous wrath against in recent years, Hitler has gathered followers. Unthinkable? Yes,but true. In our own country, too. It is as if the word, "Hitler," spoken again and again in a kind of mantra invoking the will to bomb civlians and accept the horrors of hunger and misery that we visit on the subjects of each new Hitler, as if that word had a power that even our government can"t control.

This was America's Century, we were once told, and Hitler was well and truly dead. The world had learned the lessons of war and strove for peace with a stockpile of weapons terrible enough to destroy all of human society - perhaps all human life. In time, our major rival for world domination collapsed under the weight of their own arms expenditures and the police state needed to sustain them. And we were left with an arsenal without enemies, a fortress that kept out nothing. What to do? The new crop of Hitlers came not a minute too soon. They kept our arms manufaturers in business - even if some of them are taking their plants to other countries. They divert Americans from demanding some dreaded "peace dividend" or a return to a peacetime economy and way of life. And the American Century has - somehow - become Hitler's Century -which is a defeat that Eisenhower, DeGaulle and Churchill and our gallant fathers storming their beaches never never could have imagined.


<. . . it they can do it, I can do it dept.:
"As soon as sufficient forces are available and the weather allows, the ground installaion of the Yugoslav Air Force and the city of Belgrade will be destroyed from the air by continual day and night bombardment. When that is completed we will subdue Yugoslavia"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~Adolf Hitler


By "Doc" Farmer

< em>" At the heart of warfare lies an aristocratic willingness to brutalize, tyrranize, and ultimately squander, the lives of the common soldiers"
Ride of The Second Horseman:
the birth and death of war

Robert L. O'Connell, Oxford University Press

No, I don't support the troops.

I did support the troops 31 years ago. I was an army doctor in "VeetNam" in 1968 - and look where it got us - no, I no longer support the troops.

First, I don't support anybody that drops napalm and high explosives on people to make them want us to tell them what to do. Bombers are as immoral as people who leave land mines lying around.

Second, the troops are there doing what they are told. I have seen no evidence from history or from my own experience that suggests that people who are doing what they are told, know what they are doing. It is not enough to do what you are told. It is probably immoral to do what you are told. supporting such people seems the wrong message to send to their children. And because they are just following orders, they will likely do immoral acts. Like bombs and napalm.

Third, the troops are there on Imperial Police Duty and this in itself deserves non-support.

Fourth, unless things have changed in the past 30 years, some of the troops, not a few of the troops, are there on the off chance they might get to find out what it is like to kill someone and get away with it.
I would support putting Slobodan Milosvic and Slick Willy on the same scaffold*. One is a murdering commie fascist gangster, and the other is a draft dodging** warmongering lying sack of Arkansas s--t gangster. But the slickster is ours - so we should do it.

I would support the troops shooting their "aristocrats" and handing them explod-y things. That is how the common American soldier brought the Vietnam incursion - another Imperial War Game - to an end. And remember, the soldier's got better bullets and explod-y things than most of us civilians.

I would support the troops coming home - no more bombs or bullets, guys and dolls.

Set up coffee houses outside the bases, invite the troops in. Tell them the truth: that you do not support them or what they do. They are young and impressionable, or they never would have bought that line of s--t about $40,000 for college, training for that special civilian job, and all that respect in your community.

Editor's notes: *I never support capital punishment - even for leaders - who usually out-murder private murderers by a factor of thousands - for the simple reason that the power over life and death is one I would not grant any State.
**I call them "war-resisters." - but I do expect them to resist making war on others when they get the power. . . . ~Adrien