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Rednecks vs. Californian

by adrien rain burke

Someone sent me this simple minded homage to 'redneck values,' that's currently making the rounds, no doubt in hopes it would get my goat. I considered tethering the goat, but she was feeling frisky - why not let her out?

The big problem would be getting the person or persons who authored this hostile little diatribe to read my answers - the author shows little tendency to entertain opposing ideas - or any ideas.

It started with this cutesy collection of belligerent platitudes:

Are You a Redneck?

We have enjoyed the redneck jokes for years. It's time to take a reflective look at the core beliefs of a culture that values home, family, country and God. It doesn't matter where you grew up, whether it was rural Mississippi or New York City. If I had to stand before a dozen terrorists who threaten my life, I'd choose a half dozen or so rednecks to back me up. Tire irons, squirrel guns and grit -- that's what rednecks are made of.

Well I did have a country upbringing - I was a 4-H project-presenting, barefoot 'n'bareback horse-riding, midnight skinny-dipping, hayriding and hayrolling country girl - but in my spare time I was reading Kerouac and Zen Buddhism and science fiction. So I'm not a proper redneck; I am a Californian.

It's a difference I wish to preserve.

And who doesn't value home, family, country & God? (or the generic equivalent of god: The Truth, The Greatest Good, etc.) Hell, Osama bin Laden values those things. Just because you don't sleep with your cousins doesn't mean you don't love your family.

As for the guns, rednecks and us anarchists have something in common there. I believe in the right of self-defense - and the defense of one's country.

Of course, I include defending the last redwoods from clear-cutting by some giant, barbaric Texas corporation (Maxxam, for instance, with its Bush administration ties) who will even have it milled on foreign boats offshore to avoid - to the greatest extent possible - employing Americans.

I'd also like to defend the last mustangs and wolves from human predators in helicopters and slaughter houses.

I'd like to defend our economy against the current redneck administration that cares more for 'free trade' than for American jobs. Apparently, their loyalty to America doesn't include loyalty to its working class.

I consider defense of my country to include the defense of individual liberty - not just the freedom to wave a flag, but the freedom to dissent openly without getting beat up or run out of town by rednecks. The freedom to protest government policies I find destructive - without having my patriotism questioned. The freedom to point out there's something very fishy about just about everything that has happened since September tenth - yes, the tenth, 2001, without being silenced or censored or officially ridiculed.

I figure It's easier to get sentimental about rednecks if you have no memory. Because I clearly remember 'rednecks' - great big grown up men and women - screaming obscenities and insults at a small black girl - for going to school. (Kind of like the Protestants who were throwing bags of urine at Catholic girls walking to school through the Prods' neighborhood) I remember rednecks setting dogs on people who were trying to exercise their right to vote in Alabama - and murdering freedom riders (evil liberal kids who went South to help other Americans get the vote) and getting away with it. I remember that friends of mine were attacked (with fists - these particular rednecks having forgotten their tire irons) just for having long hair - I still live with one of those (formerly) long-haired guys in fact - boy were they surprised when they found out he could - and would - fight back!

I remember rednecks laughing and cheering when Martin Luther 'Coon' was assassinated.

I remember the flyers rednecks in Dallas handed out when JFK went there in Nov. '63, suggesting that an assassination would be nice - and would put a non-Catholic Texan in the White House. (They must have been disappointed when Lyndon turned out to be just another pointy-headed liberal New Dealer - who risked losing the South for the Democratic Party to sign the Civil Rights Bill.)

I remember them burning crosses - not just in Mississippi - but right here in my own home town - in the 1970s! A group of friendly, liberal California-style neighbors got together & took shifts watching the house all night for weeks where the cross was burned, so the family could get some sleep (although we were - oddly, I thought - harassed nightly by the police).

Now where are those terrorists you want me to fight?

And by the way, wasn't McVeigh some kind of redneck? The rednecks who ruled the roost in the South in their bedclothes with lynchings and rape and KKK mumbo jumbo were terrorists, in my book. And the rednecks who dragged the black guy behind their pickup till he was dismembered, were terrorists just as much as any 'raghead' with a box cutter.

Turbans is as turbans does, I always say - and that goes for rednecks too. Because after all, Jim Hightower is a redneck, & Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Will Rogers (and many more like them) - all decent Americans who believe in liberty and equality and stick their (red) necks out to work for it- and I like them just as much if they're in coveralls or levis and stetsons, as if they wore tie-dyed sequined loin cloths or tuxedos.

You Might Be A Redneck if...

OK - let's go to the Source - to the founders of this 'one nation' - did they intend the nation to be 'under God?'

So - were they not patriots? They were patriots, but I guess they weren't rednecks, & this guy seems to put redneck-ism above patriotism. For instance, does he realize the Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist minister, who didn't include 'under God' in the original? Does he realize the author's descendants were among those who objected to the addition of 'under God' to the Pledge?

And what does that 'under God' mean, anyway? Does it mean God automatically approves of whatever we do? Does HE call the shots here or do our leaders have a special ability to know & follow his wishes?

Should we just take their word for it? After all, George Bush told an ambassador God told him to 'smite' Saddam Hussein.

Does it mean other nations offend God when they disagree with us?

Does it mean if you question the existence of God or practice some other religion you're not a real American? If so, was Jefferson an American?

Is it blasphemy to disagree with the president?

If, as a Christian, you believe our government is not acting in accordance with Jesus' teachings (Blessed are the Peacemakers, etc.) what are you to think? That Jesus didn't intend the Beatitudes for a nation that claims it's 'under God?' Maybe that God and Jesus had some hitherto unrevealed disagreement? Or does it mean we've recently adopted the 'Divine Right' doctrine? So many questions!

But I think saying 'under God' means you aren't supposed to ask.

Keep your Confederate money, boys, the South is gonna rise again. . . . .

If you got this email from me it is because I believe that you, like me have just enough Redneck in you to have the same beliefs as those talked about in this email.

God Bless the USA!

God SAVE the USA. . . . . . .